Training Workshops and Events

Save the date!

The next Intercultural Counseling Connection clinical training workshop, presented with Inspirit Counseling Services, will be Supporting Forced Migrant Survivors through the Asylum Process.

This session will be held on Friday, June 7th, 2024, 9:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. via live Zoom conference, and facilitated by Caitlin Tromiczak, LICSW-C, LCSWC and Maureen Sweeney, JD.

CEUs will be available for eligible clinicians.

As with all Intercultural Counseling Connection trainings, active Connection pro bono providers will attend for free. The training will be open to non-Connection clinicians for a modest registration and CEU fee of $50.00.


The complex legal process of seeking asylum in the U.S impacts survivors of severe pre-migration harm in profound and multiple ways. In addition to processing complex trauma and grief, most asylum seekers await lengthy legal processes, face financial and cultural barriers adapting to the U.S., and experience long separation from family members. This training provides clinicians detailed information on current asylum processes and associated psychological stressors faced by forced migrant clients, and strengthens therapeutic competencies in supporting survivors throughout the experience.

Please use the following link to register:

Thank you for your interest in supporting the needs of forced migrant survivors in Maryland.


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Please check here periodically for announcements of Connection clinical training workshops.

Please note that:

  • Priority in workshop registration will be given to current Connection therapists, and to clinicians wishing to participate in the Connection’s pro bono referral network.
  • Workshops are free for clinicians who are current members of the Connection network (i.e. who have accepted Connection pro bono client referrals).
  • A modest registration and CEU/certificate fee (usually of $80) will apply for all other workshop registrants

To join the Connection contact list to receive announcements of training opportunities and workshop registration links, please email [email protected], or see the "Get Connected" section of our website.

Intercultural Counseling Connection trainings are intended for Maryland-licensed mental health professionals who are dedicated to providing culturally responsive services for forced migrants-- asylum seekers, refugees, and trauma-affected immigrants.

Thank you for your interest in the Connection and our mission!